Friday, September 9, 2011

Going to speak a bit about the reasons for us adoption, how we adopted, and just a bit of info.

Brent and I learned in 2009 that biological children were out of the question for us. We did try, in fact we tried for 1 1/2 years, saw numerous doctors, and had a couple of procedures done before we were told "nope, not happening". We were devastated at first. Crying, sobbing, throwing things, in fact, I took my frustration out on the lawn and mowed the yard (it was all I could think of at the time). After telling the parents and having a few beers to mend our broke hearts (yes, even I drank at like noon, on a weekday) we decided to move on.

First, we planned a spur of the moment wonderful vacation. We didn't care where we were going, we just wanted to go. We wanted to pack up and not think about the next doctors visit, timed sex (yes, you read that right), or pee stick. We wanted to go away just the two of us and do absolutely nothing. Thanks to my wonderful mother and grandmother we found a fabulous deal to go to Aruba for an entire week. And the best part was that we were leaving in less than a month and we were going somewhere warm during the cold season. We had promised ourselves that we wouldn't talk about children, our next steps, or anything baby related for the entire week. But what did we end up doing? We took the adoption book with us and sat at the baby pool all day long. We are such losers! But I digress. In hind sight it was a great thing to do. We were actually able to talk about the next step being at peace.

So we moved on to adoption. When we got home from our wonderful vacation I called up an adoption agency in our state and got the info. We planned to meet with them after the new year and get the ball going. So once again we went through another Christmas childless but for the first time we felt like there was hope. A light at the end of the tunnel so to speak. And we couldn't wait for our new adventure to begin.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Arts and Crafts

So I'm a member of a website called pinterest. For those that don't know, it's essentially a site to keep track of different things you like (colors, projects, pictures, food) pretty much anything. You can put things in different categories based upon what they are. This is where a lot of my inspiration for the new house is going to come. I  highly recommend everyone becoming a part of this site. You can follow me if you want (which allows you to see all of my favorite things) just simply search for me by my name. Then start finding things you like.

Anyways, point of the post was to tell you about my new project. Over the weekend I told Brent that I needed to get a hobby. I used to read a lot, but little man doesn't make that easy, so I need something else. I went to trusty pinterest and started looking at arts and crafts projects to see if anything interested me. Sure enough, turns out I like wreaths, a lot. So I'm going to start making some.

First project is the lima bean wreath. Sounds weird I know but it's actually pretty cool. I've got part of it done but will post some pictures once I'm finished. Hopefully others like it, since I'm thinking about making Christmas gifts this year (at least for the women).

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Starting fresh

So this is my third attempt at writing. The first was going to be successful, until creepy people started following me. The second attempt, well it sucked. I never had time, I was stressed out, and I was in a woe is me mode. The third attempt, well it's going to rock. I have to thank Alicia for the idea. She told me how she was starting a blog and I thought to myself, gee self, you really need to start writing again. So thanks Alicia, you've given me motivation.

I'm going to go with a bit of a new look. Before, I just wrote about what I felt. This time, while I'm still going to write how I feel, I'm going to be a bit more organized. I've created certain sections just because it'll be easier to do it this way. The adoption section is pretty much self explanatory. But, I will be willing to answer questions. I know most people aren't familiar with the adoption process, and quite frankly it gets a bad wrap sometimes. So I want to help educate people on it. Or at least from my perspective.

The house section will help be my go to tool. Brent and I are in the process of starting to build our next home. This will be our forever home so it's veeeeeeeeeeeery important that we take the time to consider all possibilities. Always welcome to suggestions as well as to what works in your home and what doesn't. Don't want to get something that I will eventually regret.

I'm also going to do a section on Carter. Pictures, milestones, random tidbits. Because let's face it. He's my life. Besides, who doesn't love pictures of babies. It'll also be a good way for family to keep up to date on little man.

So that's it. At least so far. Hopefully I stick with it this time.